Saturday, December 29, 2007

A new year and a new beginning!

Do you have any resolutions for 2008? Well I do some to help make my personal life run smoother and some to help improve my Stampin' Up!® business.

2008 Business Goals

* To become a more organised and reliable demonstrator.
* To become a better upline and grow my team as well as helping my team members to grow.
*To post to this blog at least 2-3 times a month, preferably once a week to share ideas, cards and news.

I know you are all thinking ok but why are you writing this where I can see it? Answer: MOTIVATION!

I need a kick start to make good on these goals, which is just one reason why I have organised to take some business training, plus I've always heard that if you write down your goals your subconscious doesn't let you forget them. Also I am going to make a goal tracker which is bascically a plan of how I am going to achieve these goals. (Off to do that next)

I hope you all have a truly fabulous new year and that 2008 will bring you much joy and happiness, back tomorrow to share news and projects!